
Front and rear views of RS/6000 SP frame
Figure 2-1 shows a front view of the RS/6000 SP frame locations. “Frame (FRA)” on page 2-5 describes
the assembly designations for the RS/6000 SP frame.
Figure notes:
1. Frames equipped with the SP Redundant Power Supply must have four power modules (books)
installed in the SEPBU.
2. Wide processor nodes take up an entire shelf position (two thin processor node slots). They are
identified by the odd numbered position.
3. In a F/C 2032 frame, switch assemblies take up an entire shelf partition. (They are identified by the
even-numbered position.)
4. Processor node slots are numbered up to N16.
5. An SMP High Node takes up 2 shelf positions (slots). It is identified by the least odd number position
of the occupied slots.
Figure 2-1. Front view of frame locations. See notes below.
Chapter 2. Locations 2-3