Step 0620-005
The /var/adm/SPlogs/css0/p0/ file indicates a problem with a “Primary node” or “Secondary node”
1. Open frame rear cover and check the cable connection from the indicated switch assembly jack to the
processor node.
2. Is there a cable connected to the indicated jack on the switch assembly?
v If yes, go to “Step 0620-008”.
v If no, go to “Step 0620-006”.
Step 0620-006
No cable connected at the indicated interposer on the switch assembly (refer to the tables in “Switch data
cables” on page 2-11).
1. Should there be a cable connecting the indicated interposer to a processor node?
v If yes:
a. Connect a switch data cable from this interposer to the proper processor node.
b. Go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27.
v If no, go to “Step 0620-007”.
Step 0620-007
A switch cable is not required on the indicated interposer.
1. Have customer check the switch configuration file to see if an interposer is required in that slot:
v Use the Etopology command.
2. Did you just correct the switch configuration?
v If yes, go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27.
v If no, go to “Step 0620-020” on page 1-27 to service or replace the switch assembly.
Step 0620-008
You have a switch cable connected to the indicated interposer on the switch assembly.
1. Check cable connection at switch assembly and processor node.
2. Does the cable appear to be fully connected at the switch assembly and the processor node?
v If yes, go to “Step 0620-009”.
v If no:
a. Fix the cable connection problem.
b. Go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27.
Step 0620-009
The cable appears to be fully connected at both the switch assembly and at the processor node.
1. From the front of the RS/6000 SP frame or from the control workstation, check the Power (green) LED
on the processor node to make sure it is lit.
2. Is the Power (green) LED lit, indicating the processor node is powered on?
v If yes, go to “Step 0620-011” on page 1-24.
v If no, go to “Step 0620-010”.
Step 0620-010
The processor must be powered on for the switch to recognize the port.
1. Power on this processor node, and check the Power (green) LED.
2. Does the Power (green) LED stay lit, indicating the processor node is powered on?
v If yes, go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27.
v If no:
a. The processor node has a power problem.
Switch Function (MAP 0620)
Chapter 1. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 1-23