The TEP is entered once for each terminal error, and therefore should be designed
to process only one error for each invocation.
Intersystem communication failures
An intersystem communication failure can be caused by the failure of a CICS
region, or the remote system to which it is connected. A network failure can also
cause the loss of the connection between CICS and a remote system.
If the failure occurs between syncpoints, CICS and the remote system can back out
any updates of recoverable resources either dynamically or following an
emergency restart.
If a failure occurs during the syncpointing process while a distributed unit of work
is indoubt, CICS handles the unit of work according to the indoubt attributes
defined on the transaction resource definition. One possible course of action is to
shunt the UOW as failed-indoubt to await resynchronization when
communications are restored. When designing applications, remember that if a
communications failure occurs and units of work are shunted as failed-indoubt,
resources remain locked until after resynchronization.
For information about the resolution of indoubt units of work, see the CICS
Installation Guide.
98 CICS TS for z/OS 4.1: Recovery and Restart Guide