intended for the started task, but does not back out the START request itself.
Thus the new task will start at its specified time, but the data will not be
available to the started task, to which CICS will return a NOTFND condition
in response to the RETRIEVE command.
START with recoverable data (PROTECT)
Transaction backout of the task issuing the START command causes the START
request and the associated data to be backed out. If the abended transaction is
restarted, it can safely reissue the START command without risk of duplication.
START with nonrecoverable data (no PROTECT)
Transaction backout of the task issuing the START does not back out either the
START request or the data intended for the (canceled) started task. Thus the
new task will start at its specified time, and the data will be available,
regardless of the abend of the issuing task.
START with nonrecoverable data (PROTECT)
Transaction backout of the task issuing the START command causes the START
request to be canceled, but not the associated data, which is left stranded in
temporary storage.
Note: Recovery of temporary storage (whether or not PROTECT is specified) does
not cause the new task to start immediately. (It may qualify for restart like any
other task, if RESTART(YES) is specified on the transaction resource definition.) On
emergency restart, a started task is restarted only if it was started with data
written to a recoverable temporary storage queue.
Restart of started transactions:
Non-terminal START transactions that are defined with RESTART(YES) are eligible
for restart in certain circumstances only.
The effect of RESTART(NO) and RESTART(YES) on started transactions is shown
in Table 1.
Table 1. Effect of RESTART option on started transactions
Description of
non-terminal START
Events Effect of
Effect of
Specifies either
recoverable or
nonrecoverable data
Started task ends
normally, but does
not retrieve data.
START request and its
data (TS queue) are
discarded at normal
START request
and its data (TS
queue) are
discarded at
normal end.
Specifies recoverable data Started task
abends after
retrieving its data
START request and its
data are recovered and
restarted, up to n¹
START request
and its data are
Specifies recoverable data Started task
abends without
retrieving its data
START request and its
data are recovered and
restarted, up to n¹
START request
and its data are
Specifies nonrecoverable
Started task
abends after
retrieving its data
START request is
discarded and not
Not restarted.
Chapter 8. Unit of work recovery and abend processing 77