Chapter 12. Defining recoverability for CICS-managed
This section describes what to do to ensure that you can recover the resources
controlled by CICS on behalf of your application programs.
About this task
It covers the recoverability aspects of the various resources as follows:
v “Recovery for transactions”
v “Recovery for files” on page 125
v “Recovery for intrapartition transient data” on page 131
v “Recovery for extrapartition transient data” on page 134
v “Recovery for temporary storage” on page 135
Recovery for transactions
CICS recoverability options are limited for local and remote transactions.
The following options apply for local transactions:
v Automatic restart when a transaction abends
v Time-out when a transaction has been waiting for resources for longer than a
specified time interval, usually because the transaction is deadlocked with
another transaction for the same resources
v Allowing you to purge transactions that “hang” for reasons that cannot
otherwise be resolved
For remote transactions, in addition to the above, CICS provides indoubt options
to specify the recovery action in the event of indoubt failures.
Defining transaction recovery attributes
When defining user transactions that update local resources, you can specify the
following options on the TRANSACTION resource definition for recovery
About this task
This option defines whether, in some circumstances, the transaction is eligible
to be restarted automatically by CICS under the control of the DFHREST user
replaceable module.
The default is RESTART(NO).
If the task remains suspended (inactive) for the specified interval (and
SPURGE(YES) is also specified), CICS initiates an abnormal termination of the
task. (Specifying SPURGE(NO) overrides the DTIMOUT option.)
The default is DTIMOUT(NO).
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