Monitoring events sent from the Notification Manager: For each system in the
notification list, you can view details about the last event the Notification Manager
sent (or tried to send) to that system.
In the notification list, double-click the Last event sent column for the system in
which you are interested. The Last Event Detail window opens. This window
contains information about the last event the Notification Manager sent (or tried to
send) to the selected system. The event information includes the following: status,
type, date, time, source, target, and description.
More information
v Using the Notification Manager
v Adding a system to the notification list
v Deleting a system from the notification list
v Modifying system properties in the notification list
v Sending a test event to a system in the notification list
a system in the Notification Manager:
Note: This action is not supported when using the following:
v ServeRAID Manager in bootable-CD mode
v ServeRAID Manager as a plug-in application
this action to modify a remote system host name, TCP/IP address, or port
1. Click the system that you want to modify from the notification list.
2. Click
(Modify system). The System Properties window opens.
3. Change the system properties in the appropriate entry fields.
4. Click OK.
More information
v Using the Notification Manager
v Adding a system to the notification list
v Deleting a system from the notification list
v Sending a test event to a system in the notification list
v Monitoring events sent from the Notification Manager
a test event in the Notification Manager:
Note: This action is not supported when using the following:
v ServeRAID Manager in bootable-CD mode
v ServeRAID Manager as a plug-in application
this action to send a test event to a remote system:
1. Click the system in the notification list that you want to send a test event.
Note: If you click no system or more than one system, this action is disabled.
2. Click Actions → Send test event. A window opens to report success or failure.
The remote system will respond to the test event with a beep.
3. Click OK.
If the test fails, verify the following and try the test send again:
1. You typed the correct TCP/IP information.
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 155