
Vol. 3 10-41
Destination Mode Selects either physical (0) or logical (1) destination mode (see
Section 10.7.2, “Determining IPI Destination”).
Delivery Status (Read Only)
Indicates the IPI delivery status, as follows:
0 (Idle) There is currently no IPI activity for this local
APIC, or the previous IPI sent from this local
APIC was delivered and accepted by the tar
get processor or processors.
1 (Send Pending)
Indicates that the last IPI sent from this lo-
cal APIC has not yet been accepted by the
target processor or processors.
Level For the INIT level de-assert delivery mode this flag must be set
to 0; for all other delivery modes it must be set to 1. (This flag
has no meaning in Pentium 4 and Intel Xeon processors, and will
always be issued as a 1.)
Trigger Mode Selects the trigger mode when using the INIT level de-assert
delivery mode: edge (0) or level (1). It is ignored for all other
delivery modes. (This flag has no meaning in Pentium 4 and
Intel Xeon processors, and will always be issued as a 0.)
Destination Shorthand
Indicates whether a shorthand notation is used to specify the
destination of the interrupt and, if so, which shorthand is used.
Destination shorthands are used in place of the 8-bit destination
field, and can be sent by software using a single write to the low
doubleword of the ICR. Shorthands are defined for the following
cases: software self interrupt, IPIs to all processors in the
system including the sender, IPIs to all processors in the system
excluding the sender.
00: (No Shorthand)
The destination is specified in the destination
01: (Self) The issuing APIC is the one and only destina-
tion of the IPI. This destination shorthand al-
lows software to interrupt the processor on
which it is executing. An APIC implementa-
tion is free to deliver the self-interrupt mes-
sage internally or to issue the message to
the bus and “snoop” it as with any other IPI
10: (All Including Self)
The IPI is sent to all processors in the system
including the processor sending the IPI. The
APIC will broadcast an IPI message with the