
15-10 Vol. 3
flag indicates that the error did not affect the processor’s state. Software
restarting might be possible.
ADDRV (IA32_MCi_ADDR register valid) flag, bit 58 — Indicates (when set)
that the IA32_MCi_ADDR register contains the address where the error occurred
Section, “IA32_MCi_ADDR MSRs”). When clear, this flag indicates
that the IA32_MCi_ADDR register is either not implemented or does not contain
the address where the error occurred. Do not read these registers if they are not
implemented in the processor.
MISCV (IA32_MCi_MISC register valid) flag, bit 59 — Indicates (when set)
that the IA32_MCi_MISC register contains additional information regarding the
error. When clear, this flag indicates that the IA32_MCi_MISC register is either
not implemented or does not contain additional information regarding the error.
Do not read these registers if they are not implemented in the processor.
EN (error enabled) flag, bit 60 — Indicates (when set) that the error was
enabled by the associated EEj bit of the IA32_MCi_CTL register.
UC (error uncorrected) flag, bit 61 — Indicates (when set) that the processor
did not or was not able to correct the error condition. When clear, this flag
indicates that the processor was able to correct the error condition.
OVER (machine check overflow) flag, bit 62 — Indicates (when set) that a
machine-check error occurred while the results of a previous error were still in
the error-reporting register bank (that is, the VAL bit was already set in the
IA32_MCi_STATUS register). The processor sets the OVER flag and software is
responsible for clearing it. In general, enabled errors are written over disabled
errors, and uncorrected errors are written over corrected errors. Uncorrected
errors are not written over previous valid uncorrected errors. For more infor
mation, see Section, “Overwrite Rules for Machine Check Overflow”.
VAL (IA32_MCi_STATUS register valid) flag, bit 63 — Indicates (when set)
that the information within the IA32_MCi_STATUS register is valid. When this flag
is set, the processor follows the rules given for the OVER flag in the
IA32_MCi_STATUS register when overwriting previously valid entries. The
processor sets the VAL flag and software is responsible for clearing it. Overwrite Rules for Machine Check Overflow
Table 15-2 shows the overwrite rules for how to treat a second event if the
cache has already posted an event to the MC bank – that is, what to do if the
valid bit for an MC bank already is set to 1. When more than one structure
posts events in a given bank, these rules specify whether a new event will
overwrite a previous posting or not. These rules define a priority for uncor
rected (highest priority), yellow, and green/unmonitored (lowest priority)