PXE Base Code Protocol
Version 1.02 12/12/00 239
ProxyOfferReceived This field is initialized to FALSE by the Start() function and
set to TRUE when the Dhcp() function completes successfully
and a proxy DHCP offer packet was received. When TRUE, the
ProxyOffer packet field is valid. This field can also be
changed by the SetPackets() function.
PxeDiscoverValid When TRUE, the PxeDiscover packet field is valid. This
field is set to FALSE by the Start() and Dhcp() functions,
and can be set to TRUE or FALSE by the Discover() and
SetPackets() functions.
PxeReplyReceived When TRUE, the PxeReply packet field is valid. This field is
set to FALSE by the Start() and Dhcp() functions, and can
be set to TRUE or FALSE by the Discover() and
SetPackets() functions.
PxeBisReplyReceived When TRUE, the PxeBisReply packet field is valid. This
field is set to FALSE by the Start() and Dhcp() functions,
and can be set to TRUE or FALSE by the Discover() and
SetPackets() functions.
IcmpErrorReceived Indicates whether the IcmpError field has been updated. This
field is reset to FALSE by the Start(), Dhcp(),
Discover(), Mtftp(), UdpRead(), UdpWrite()
and Arp() functions. If an ICMP error is received, this field
will be set to TRUE after the IcmpError field is updated.
TftpErrorReceived Indicates whether the TftpError field has been updated. This
field is reset to FALSE by the Start() and Mtftp()
functions. If a TFTP error is received, this field will be set to
TRUE after the TftpError field is updated.
MakeCallbacks When FALSE, callbacks will not be made. When TRUE, make
callbacks to the PXE Base Code Callback Protocol. This field is
reset to FALSE by the Start() function if the PXE Base Code
Callback Protocol is not available. It is reset to TRUE by the
Start() function if the PXE Base Code Callback Protocol is
TTL The “time to live” field of the IP header. This field is initialized
to DEFAULT_TTL (See "Related Definitions") by the Start()
function and can be modified by the SetParameters()
ToS The type of service field of the IP header. This field is initialized
to DEFAULT_ToS (See "Related Definitions") by Start(),
and can be modified with the SetParameters() function.