PXE Base Code Protocol
Version 1.02 12/12/00 245
// The following table defines values for the PXE DHCP and
// Bootserver Discover packet tags that are specific to the EFI
// environment. Complete definitions of all PXE tags are defined
// in Table 2-1 PXE DHCP Options (Full List), in the PXE
// Specification.
Table 14-1. PXE Tag Definitions for EFI
Tag Name Tag # Length Data Field
Client Network
94 [0x5E] 3 [0x03] Type (1), MajorVer (1), MinorVer (1)
Type is a one byte field that identifies the network interface that
will be used by the downloaded program. Type is followed by
two one byte version number fields, MajorVer and MinorVer.
UNDI (1) = 0x01
WfM-1.1a 16-bit UNDI: MajorVer = 0x02. MinorVer = 0x00
PXE-2.0 16-bit UNDI: MajorVer = 0x02, MinorVer = 0x01
32/64-bit UNDI & H/W UNDI: MajorVer = 0x03, MinorVer = 0x00
Client System
93 [0x5D] 2 [0x02] Type (2)
Type is a two byte, network order, field that identifies the
processor and programming environment of the client system.
IA x86 PC = 0x00 0x00
IA64 EFI PC = 0x00 0x02
IA32 EFI PC = 0x00 0x06
Class Identifier 60 [0x3C] 32 [0x20] "PXEClient:Arch:xxxxx:UNDI:yyyzzz"
"PXEClient:…" is used to identify communication between PXE
clients and servers. Information from tags 93 & 94 is embedded
in the Class Identifier string. (The strings defined in this tag are
case sensitive and must not be NULL-terminated.)
xxxxx = ASCII represenetation of Client System Architecture.
yyyzzz = ASCII representation of Client Network Interface
Identifier version numbers MajorVer(yyy) and MinorVer(zzz).
"PXEClient:Arch:00002:UNDI:00300" identifies an IA64 PC w/
32/64-bit UNDI