32/64-bit UNDI Specification
Version 1.02 12/12/00 435
G.4.8.3 Checking Command Execution Results
After command execution completes, either successfully or not, the CDB.StatCode field
contains the result of the command execution.
StatCode Reason
SUCCESS Command completed successfully. UNDI and network device have been
reset. Check StatFlags.
INVALID_CDB One of the CDB fields was not set correctly.
BUSY UNDI is already processing commands. Try again later.
QUEUE_FULL Command queue is full. Try again later.
NOT_STARTED The UNDI is not started.
NOT_INITIALIZED The UNDI is not initialized.
DEVICE_FAILURE The network device could not be initialized.
NVDATA_FAILURE The non-volatile storage is not valid.
Check the StatFlags to see if there is an active connection to this network device. If the no media
StatFlag is set, the UNDI and network device are still reset.
G.4.9 Shutdown
The Shutdown command resets the network adapter and leaves it in a safe state for another driver to
initialize. Any pending transmits or receives are lost. Receive filters and external interrupt enables
are reset (disabled). The memory buffer assigned in the Initialize command can be released or re-
Once UNDI has been shutdown, it can then be stopped or initialized again. The Shutdown
command changes the UNDI operational state from initialized to started.