
100 High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification
Demonstration Utilities
The following information is displayed:
Slot path
Vendor ID
Device ID
SubsystemVendor ID
SubsystemDevice ID
Class code D
Sub class code
Programming interface
Header type
Flag Catching and Printing Notification Messages
This demo application covers the capability of catching and printing notification messages sent by
HSSD when an event is triggered. The following event types are supported. The flags supported
are defined in the “Event Notification” topic of the Intel
Hot Swap Kit for
Linux 4.2 software manual. For details on obtaining this manual, see Section H.2, “User
Documentation” on page 131. Slot Information Structure
The slot information structure contains information about a specific slot, identified by a slot path. It
includes the following pieces of information:
Path to the slot
Current bus number, slot number and function number of the slot
Physical slot number
Physical slot depth
Table 3. PCI Tree Information Retrieval Flags
Flags Meanings
PRES Device is present.
CONN Device is software connected.
CONF Device’s software connection failed.
Table 4. Events that Generate Notification Messages
Event types Meanings
EXTR REQ Device extraction request.
EXTR CONF Device extraction confirmed.
REMOVAL Device removed.
INSERTION Device inserted.