104 High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification
Software Installation
2. Patch and rebuild the kernel with Redundant Host Support, then copy this kernel image to the /
usr/src/redhat/BUILD/CompactPCI-RH-1.0/kernel_patches directory as “linux-<kernel-
version>” (for example, “linux-2.4.18”). The binary RPM spec includes this kernel image.
3. Make any appropriate edits to the RHSK configuration files
4. Reboot
A.3 Installing RH Source RPM
A.3.1 Source Installation
Make sure you have administrator login privileges:
bash# rpm –iv CompactPCI-RH-1.0-1.src.rpm
bash# rpm -bp /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/CompactPCI-RH.spec
This will create:
/usr/src/linux-<kernel-version>.rh.patch (for example, /usr/src/linux-
A.3.2 Patching and Rebuilding an RH-Enabled Kernel
The SRPM includes several kernel patch files, one for each <kernel-version> with the following
for example,
linux- 2.4.18.rh.patch
These are located in the /usr/src directory after the “rpm -bp” command is issued. The patch files
contain modifications needed to make a standard Linux <kernel-version> redundant host capable.
The patch file(s) can be applied to the kernel sources downloaded from www.kernel.org. The
following topics show how to patch and rebuild the kernel for Linux kernels <kernel-version>.
A.3.3 Patching Linux with Kernel <kernel-version>
bash# cd /usr/src
bash# patch –d <kernel-directory>-p0 < linux-<kernel-version>.rh.patch
bash# cd linux-<kernel-version>
bash# make menuconfig
Note: You must enable the “CONFIG_HA_PCI_HOT_SWAP” option for the HSK to be enabled. This
configuration option is enabled when enabling “CPCI Hot Swap PICMG 2.1/2.12 Support (NEW)”
found in the General Setup section. Once CPCI Hot Swap support is enabled then the
CONFIG_PCI_HA_HOT_SWAP_ZT5523_ZT5524 ServerWorks chipset support should be
enabled. To enable full support for the Redundant Host architecture, both CONFIG_IPMI, and