64 High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification
Redundant Host API
IN uint32 DestinationHost,
IN uint32 Timeout,
IN BOOLEAN Persist );
Handle the handle of the current session
pDomains pointer to the array of numbers of the domains to disconnect; all domains
must be owned by the same host
DomainCount the number of elements in the array of domain numbers
DestinationHost the number of the destination host for the intended switchover of the
specified domains; value RH_NO_DESTINATION_HOST meaning
that no host owns the domains.
Timeout the time interval (in milliseconds) that the requestor agrees to wait for the
completion of disconnection. After this time expires, the requestor either
forces the switchover or abandons it. This parameter is advisory and can
be ignored by the target host. The special value 0 means that the
requestor does not impose any time constraints to the software
Persist this parameter specifies what should be done in the case that software
disconnection is not immediately possible for some slots. TRUE means
that the target host should continue repeating attempts to software
disconnect offending devices until software disconnection succeeds for
all devices or the software disconnection request is cancelled by the
requestor. FALSE means that the software disconnection of all requested
domains should fail in that case and devices that have been software
disconnected already should be reconnected.
Return Value:
returned in the case of success
invalid session handle or the specified domain does not exist
returned if the software disconnection request issued by the current host
has been denied
returned if this function is not supported by the infrastructure
Other implementation-defined HSI_STATUS values
returned if other errors occurred during execution of this function
This function requests a domain software disconnection on the owning host in preparation for a
switchover. The exact meaning of software disconnection depends on the devices in the domains
and their drivers. For the device drivers that are not switchover-aware, this means shutdown of the
corresponding devices and removal of all devices’ software representations (device objects and so
forth). Switchover-aware drivers may use “warmer” methods for preparation for switchover.