
TP-5695 12/93 Glossary of Abbreviations xi
Glossary of Abbreviations
Abbreviations are used throughout this manual. Normally in the text they will appear in complete form with the
abbreviation following in parenthesis the first time they are used. After that they will appear in the abbreviated form.
The commonly used abbreviations are shown below.
Abbreviation Description
AC alternating current
AHWT anticipatory high water temp.
ALOP anticipatory low oil pressure
AM amplitude modulation
Amp ampere
Amps amperes
ANSI American National Standard Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
approx. approximate, approximately
A/R as required, as requested
A/S as supplied, as stated, as suggested
ASA American Standards Association
assy. assembly
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
ATDC after top dead center
ATS automatic transfer switch
aux. auxiliary
AWG American Wire Gauge
AWM appliance wiring material
bhp brake horsepower
bmep brake mean effective power
Btu British thermal unit
°C Celsius degree
cc cubic centimeter
CCA cold cranking Amps.
CEC Canadian Electrical Code
cfh cubic feet per hour
cfm cubic feet per minute
CID cubic inch displacement
cm centimeter, centimeters
cmm cubic meters per minute
co. company
contd. continued
C.S.A. Canadian Standards Association
cu. in. cubic inch, cubic inches
cyl. cylinder
dBA decibels
DC direct current
DCR direct current resistance
deg. degree
dept. department
dia. diameter
e.g. example given
EMI electromagnetic interference
etc. etcetera, (and so forth)
ext. external
°F Fahrenheit degree
fl. oz. fluid ounce, fluid ounces
Abbreviation Description
FM frequency modulation
fs full scale
ft. foot, feet
ft. lbs. foot pound, foot pounds
ga. gauge
gal., gals. gallon, gallons
gal./hr. gallons per hour
gph gallons per hour
gpm gallons per minute
gr. grade
grd. ground
HCHT high cylinder head temperature
HET high exhaust temperature
Hg mercury (element)
O water
hp horsepower
hr, hrs hour
HWT high water temperature
Hz hertz (cycles per second)
ID inside diameter
in. inch(es)
inc. incorporated
in. lbs. inch pounds
int. internal
int.-ext. internal-external
ISO International Standards Organization
J joule, joules
JIS Japanese Industry Standard
kg kilogram, kilograms
kilograms per square centimeter
kgm kilogram meter(s)
km kilometer, kilometers
kPa kiloPascal, kiloPascals
kph kilometers per hour
kV kilovolt
kVA kilovolt amperes
kW kilowatt, kilowatts
kWH kilowatt hour
L liter, liters
LxWxH length x width x height
LED, LEDs light emitting diode
lb., lbs. pound, pounds
L/hr. liter per hour, liters per hour
L/min. liter(s) per minutes
LOP low oil pressure
LP liquefied petroleum
LWT low water temperature
m meter, meters