TP-5695 12/934-2 Troubleshooting
Engine (Continued)
Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action
Stops suddenly
Out of fuel Replenish
Air intake clogged Clean
Fuse blown in controller Replace fuse
Defective seawater pump impeller Replace
Clogged seawater strainer Clean strainer
Ignition coil failure Check for spark
Fuel line restriction Check fuel lines and tank
Fuel vapor lock Check fuel line routing
Defective electric fuel pump Check pump
Dirty fuel screen Clean fuel screen
Faulty spark plug(s) Replace spark plug(s)
No/low oil pressure Check oil pressure and pump
Defective low oil pressure (LOP) safety
shutdown switch
Check LOP shutdown switch
High temperature shutdown Check engine coolant system
Defective high exhaust temp. (HET) and/or
high water temp. (HWT) safety shutdown
Check HET and HWT shutdown switch(es)
Loss of AC output See authorized Kohler service
Faulty antidieseling solenoid Replace solenoid
Lacks power
Air intake clogged Clean
Bad or stale fuel Replace fuel
Faulty spark plug(s) Replace (and regap) plug(s)
Improper timing Check timing
Choke solenoid defective Check and/or change
Engine not operating at rated RPM Check governor
Governor adjustments incorrect Adjust governor
Carbon build-up Clean carbon from cylinder heads
Improper cooling Inspect cooling system
Dirty fuel screen Clean screen
Defective ignition coil Replace coil
Fuel line restricted Check fuel lines
Engine overloaded Reduce load
Carburetor adjustment wrong Adjust carburetor
Operates erratically
Air intake clogged Clean
Stale or bad fuel Replace fuel
Fuel pump vapor lock Allow unit to cool and attempt restart
Clogged fuel screen Clean screen
Faulty spark plug(s) Replace spark plug(s)
Carburetor adjustment incorrect Adjust carburetor