
xii Glossary of Abbreviations TP-5695 12/93
Abbreviation Description
cubic meter, cubic meters
max. maximum
MCM one thousand circular mils.
mi. mile, miles
mil one one-thousandth of an inch
min. minimum
mJ millijoule, millijoules
MJ mega joule, mega joules
mm millimeter, millimeters
/min cubic meters per minute
MPa megaPascal
mph miles per hour
MS military standard
mW milliwatt, milliwatts
MW megawatt, megawatts
N/A not available
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical
Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
Nm Newton meter, Newton meters
no., nos. number, numbers
NPT National Standard taper pipe
thread per general use
N/R not required
OC overcrank
OD outside diameter
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OS overspeed, oversize
OV overvoltage
oz. ounce, ounces
Abbreviation Description
PF power factor
pot. potentiometer
ppm parts per million
psi pounds per square inch
pt., pts. pint, pints
qt., qts. quart, quarts
qty. quantity
ref. reference
RFI radio frequency interference
rms root mean square
rpm revolutions per inch
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
sec. second, seconds
SCR silicon controlled rectifier
spec, specs specification
sq. square
sq. cm square centimeters
sq. in. square inch, square inches
tach tachometer
TDC top dead center
temp. temperature
TIF telephone influence factor
turbo turbocharger
UNC Unified coarse thread (was NC)
UNF Unified fine thread (was NF)
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
US undersize
V volt, volts
VAC Volts alternating current
VDC volts direct current
W watt, watts