38 Messaging
1. From Messaging, select OPTIONS >
Clear Alerts Icon.
2. Select YES.
Message Alerts
You can set how often your phone alerts
you when there is a new message
1. From Messaging, select OPTIONS >
Repeated Tone > Messages.
2. Select Single Tone (once only) or
Repeated Tone (once every minute).
Callback Number
With this feature, you can specify the
callback number your recipients see when
you send messages.
1. From Messaging, select OPTIONS >
Callback Number.
2. Select None, My Phone Number, or
Other. (If you select Other, enter a
callback number.)
Set your Signature
Add a customized signature to each
message you send.
1. From Messaging, select OPTIONS >
2. Select On (If you do not wish to attach a
signature to your outgoing messages,
select Off.)
3. Enter a signature and select OK.
Edit Preset Messages
Your phone comes with preset messages,
such as “Give me a call” which you can
insert into the body of a text message.
1. From Messaging, select OPTIONS >
Preset Messages. (The list of preset
messages will be displayed.)
2. Select OPTIONS and do one of the
–Select Send Message to insert a
preset message to your text
–Select Edit to edit the text.
–Select Delete to delete the preset
–Select Reset all messages to reset
all messages.
–Select Select Language to change
the language of the preset message.
Emergency Alerts
Your phone is compatible with federally
supervised cell phone alert services which
send out broadcast SMS messages for
public warning.
1. From Messaging, select OPTIONS >
Emergency Alerts.
2. Check the box next to the options you
wish to select:
– Presidential Alerts to deliver a
national Presidential alert.
Presidential Alerts is always grayed
out (not selectable) and cannot be