messages (continued)
attendance (continued)
290.10 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
291.00 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
291.01 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
291.02 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
292 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
293 Replace all originals if restarting job. 109
294.00 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
294.01 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
294.02 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
294.03 Scanner jam, remove all originals from the
scanner 109
298.01 Scanner Missing – Cable Unplugged 110
298.02 Scanner Missing – Cable Unplugged 110
30.yy Invalid refill, change cartridge 101
31 Replace defective print cartridge 101
32.yy Replace unsupported print cartridge 101
34 Short paper 102
35 Insufficient memory to support Resource Save
feature 102
37 Insufficient memory for Flash Memory
Defragment operation 102
37 Insufficient memory to collate job 102
37 Insufficient memory, some Held Jobs were
lost 102
37 Insufficient memory, some held jobs were
lost 102
38 Memory full 102
39 Page is too complex to print 103
50 PPDS font error 103
51 Defective flash detected 103
52 Not enough free space in flash memory for
resources 103
52 Unformatted flash detected 103
54 Network [x] software error 103
54 Serial option [x] error 104
54 Standard network software error 104
55 Unsupported option in slot [x] 104
56 Parallel port [x] disabled 104
56 Serial port [x] disabled 104
56 Standard USB port disabled 104
56 USB port [x] disabled 104
57 Configuration change, some held jobs were
lost 104
58 Too many disks installed 104
58 Too many flash options installed 105
58 Too many trays attached 105
59 Incompatible duplex 105
messages (continued)
attendance (continued)
59 Incompatible envelope feeder 105
59 Incompatible tray [x] 105
61 Remove defective disk 105
62 Disk full 105
63 Unformatted disk 105
64 Unsupported disk format 106
80 Scheduled maintenance advised 106
88 Toner is low 106
Change <src> to <Custom Type Name> 96
Change [src] to [Custom String] 96
Change [src] to [size] 96
Change [src] to [size] [type] 97
Clean scanner backing strip 97
Clean scanner glass 97
Disk corrupted 97
Disk Full – Scan Job Canceled 98
Insert tray [x] 98
Install envelope feeder 98
Install tray [x] 98
Load [src] with [Custom String] 99
Load [src] with [Custom Type Name] 99
Load [src] with [size] 99
Load [src] with [type] [size] 100
Load manual feeder with [Custom String] 98
Load manual feeder with [Custom Type Name] 98
Load manual feeder with [size] 99
Load manual feeder with [type] [size] 99
Reattach envelope feeder 100
Remove paper from standard output bin 100
Replace all originals if restarting job. 100
Replace wiper 100
Restore held jobs? 100
Scan Document Too Long 101
Scanner ADF Cover Open 101
Scanner Jam Access Cover Open 101
Scanner registration successfully completed 101
Some held jobs were lost 101
cancel jobs messages
Deleting selected job(s) 95
Job cannot be deleted 95
No jobs selected 95
Copy button messages
Insufficient resources. Try again when the system is
idle. 96
System busy, preparing resources for job. 96
System busy, preparing resources for job. Deleting
held job(s). 96
Fax status messages
Answering 95
Call complete 95
Connect <x>bps 95
Dialing 95
Fax failed 95
Job stored for delayed transmission. 95
Line busy 95