Using MFP menus
Standard Parallel or Parallel <x>
Use these menu items to change printer settings affecting jobs sent to the MFP through a parallel port (either Std Parallel or
Parallel <x>).
Mac Binary PS Configures the MFP to process
Macintosh binary PostScript print
On The MFP filters PostScript print jobs
using standard protocol.
Off The MFP processes raw binary
PostScript print jobs from computers
using the Macintosh operating system.
Note: This setting often causes
Windows print jobs to fail.
Auto* The MFP processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or
Macintosh operating systems.
ENA Address Sets the USB port ENA Address. 4 field IP address
Shown only if an ENA is attached
through the USB port.
ENA Netmask Sets the USB port ENA Netmask.
ENA Gateway Sets the USB port ENA Gateway.
Menu item Purpose Values and descriptions
Configures the MFP so it
automatically switches to
PCL emulation when a print job
received through the parallel port
requires it, regardless of the default
printer language.
On* The MFP examines data on the
parallel interface and selects
PCL emulation if the data indicates
that is the required printer language.
Off The MFP does not examine the
incoming data. The MFP uses
PostScript emulation to process the
job if PS SmartSwitch is On, or uses
the default printer language specified
in the Setup Menu if PS SmartSwitch
is Off.
PS SmartSwitch Configures the MFP so it
automatically switches to PostScript
emulation when a print job received
through the parallel port requires it,
regardless of the default printer
On* The MFP examines data on the
parallel interface and selects
PostScript emulation if the data
indicates that is the required printer
Off The MFP does not examine the
incoming data. The MFP uses PCL
emulation to process the job if PCL
SmartSwitch is On, or uses the default
printer language specified in the
Setup Menu if PCL SmartSwitch is
Menu item Purpose Values and descriptions