Using MFP menus
Quality Menu
Use these menu items to change settings that affect print quality and save toner. Printing from an application may override
user default settings.
Menu item Purpose Values and descriptions
Print Resolution To select printed output resolution. 600 dpi* Produces high quality output for print
jobs that are mostly text.
1200 dpi Produces highest quality output for
jobs where print speed is not important
and memory is abundant.
1200 Image Q Uses line screening for print jobs that
contain bitmapped images, such as
scanned photos.
2400 Image Q Uses line screening for print jobs that
contain bitmapped images, such as
scanned photos.
Toner Darkness Lightens or darkens printed output
and conserves toner.
A scale appears on the control
panel LCD shown as follows. A
vertical bar ( | ) indicates the factory
default value. An arrow symbol ( V )
indicates a user default value and
the V moves left or right on the scale
while touching the left arrow or right
arrow buttons. When the default of 8
is selected, the V covers the vertical
bar as shown:
1–10 (8*) • Select a lower value for finer line
width, lighter grayscale images, and
to lighten printed output.
• Select a higher value for bolder line
widths or darker grayscale images.
• Select 10 for very bold text.
• Select a value less than 7 to
conserve toner.
Brightness Adjusts the gray value of printed
-6 to +6 (0*) -6 is maximum decrease.
+6 is maximum increase.
Contrast Adjusts the contrast of printed
0–5 (0*) 0 is maximum decrease.
5 is maximum increase.
Enhance Fine
Enables a print mode preferable for
certain files containing fine line
detail, such as architectural
drawings, maps, electronic circuit
diagrams, and flow charts.
Note: Enhance Fine Lines is not a
menu item available from the control
panel. This setting is only available
on the PCL emulation driver or
PostScript driver or on the MFP
Embedded Web Server.
On In the driver, select the check box.
Off* In the driver, clear the check box.
Gray Correction Automatically adjusts the contrast
enhancement applied to images.
Auto In the driver, select the check box.
Off* In the driver, clear the check box.