
As soon as power is applied to the unit, either from the AC
power source or the DC is applied by closing the DC circuit
breaker, the unit will start up as indicated above for the basic
unit. During the lamp test sequence, both STATUS indicators
will go through the RED, YELLOW, GREEN lamp test
sequence. STATUS indication starts to differ at this point,
depending on the selected mode of operation, ON-LINE or
There will be AC on the output immediately when the AC input is ener-
gized, even without turning the system ON with the DC circuit breaker.
The digital LCD can display AC voltages, but not current when the DC
circuit breaker is OFF since the Maintenance Bypass relay is closed.
La tension de sortie AC apparaîtra de's que l'entrée AC sera sous ten-
sion, même sans que le systéme soit mis en marche par le dijoncteur
DC. Le panneau de mesures digital peut afficher des tensions AC,
mais pas le courant lorsque le disjoncteur DC est ouvert, vu que le
realy de bypass de maintenance est fermé.
Wechselstrom ist automatisch ausgeloest wenn der Wechselstrom
eingeschaltet ist ohne den Gleichstromunterbrecher anzuschalten.
Der digitale LCD kann Gleichstromspannungen anzeigen, jedoch
keinen Strom, wenn der Gleichstromunterbrecher OFF anzeigt, da der
maintenance bypass geschlossen ist.
4.4.3 Inverter With Static
Transfer Switch
(-94 Models)
86-153061-00 4 — 5Maintenance and Service
Owner’s Manual