
Input branch
circuit The input circuit from the building power panel to the equipment.
Inverter An electrical circuit that generates an AC sinewave output from a DC input.
kVA Kilovolt-Ampere; a measure of apparent power.
L Line.
LCD Liquid-crystal display.
LED Light-emitting diode.
Mains or mains 1 Main AC input source.
Mains 2 Bypass AC input source.
mA Milliampere.
MAX Maximum.
MCM Thousand circular mil; standard wire sizes for multiple stranded conductors
over 4/0 AWG in diameter. M is from the Roman numeral system; it is the
symbol for 1,000.
module Refers to an inverter module.
MOV Metal-oxide varistor.
N Neutral.
NC Normally closed.
NEC National electrical code.
NFPA National fire protection association.
NO. or No. Part number.
NO Normally open.
On-line mode Inverter sources power to the output load. Inverter receives power from the
DC input source.
Off-line mode The output receives power directly from the input utility via a static transfer
switch or maintenance bypass relay.
OSHA Occupational safety and health act.
PWM Pulse width modulator.
86-153061-00 g — 3Glossary
Owner’s Manual