
SCR Silicon-controlled rectifier.
Shipping damage Any damage done to an article while it is in transit.
SPDT Single Pole Double Throw.
Static Transfer
Switch An electronic or solid state switching mechanism electronically controlled to
pass AC power directly from the utility to an output load.
Technician Refers to an electronic technician qualified to maintain and repair
electronic equipment. Not necessarily qualified to install electrical wiring.
Compare with electrician.
Test connector DB-9 type connector on the rear panel allowing an MGE Customer Support
Services technician to access programmable and diagnostic features of the
VA Volt-amps: Apparent power in volts X amperes.
VAC Volts of alternating current.
VDC Volts of direct current.
Watts Real power - joules/second
g — 4 Glossary 86-153061-00
Topaz S3 Inverters 0.5 kVA, 1 kVA, & 2 kVA