SX-200 General Information Guide
44 Revision A 50003510
• Control Triple CIM Card and the SX-200 EL System
• SX-200 IP Node Local Area Network Design Guidelines
Maximum Number of T1 Links
LIGHTWARE 18 Release 2.0 and greater supports a maximum number of eight T1 links in the
system. These links can be from the T1 cards and from the T1/E1 modules. Any bay can have
a maximum of two T1 links to a total of eight T1 links in the system.
Prior to LIGHTWARE 18 Release 2.0, the maximum number of T1 Trunk cards was dependent
on the types of FIM Carrier Cards and the number of bays in the system. Up to six peripheral
bays can be connected to the SX-200 EL main control cabinet. The Control Dual FIM Carrier
(CFCII) card allows the connection of up to two peripheral bays. The Control Triple FIM Carrier
(CFCIII) card allows the connection of up to three peripheral bays.
1. The T1/E1 module offers all the same functionality as the T1 card, plus CSU
functionality, ESF operation, plus an extra link of T1/D4 connectivity. The T1/E1
module offers up to two links of T1/D4 connectivity.
2. The T1 links in a bay (from a T1 card or a T1/E1 module) still logically occupy slots
five and six in that bay.
3. The number of T1 links from T1 cards are not controlled by the purchasable Moss
Option, Number of Links (0-8). This option limits the number of T1 links from T1/E1
modules; i.e. the T1 links from PRI cards and BCC III cards are counted in this total.
4. A cabinet may have a T1/E1 module on a PRI card and a T1/E1 module on the Bay
Control Card III in the same cabinet. This configuration is possible because the
software sees the PRI card as a separate bay.
Maximum Number of T1 Trunk Cards (LIGHTWARE 17)
Number of Bays FIM Carrier Cards Maximum T1 Trunk Cards
1 none 2
2 one CFCII 3
3 one CFCII 4
4 two CFCII 4
5 two CFCII 5
6 one CFCII and one CFCIII 6
7 two CFC III 7