50003510 Revision A 57
SX-200 ELx cabinet Rev 4.4 or greater (PN 9109-600-002-NA) with LIGHTWARE 17 Release
4.0 software or greater. The PRI card also requires a Stratum 3 clock on the main control card.
The PRI card has the same performance characteristics as a two link ISDN Network Gateway.
The PRI card (unlike the T1 card) is not classed as a high power card. Because the PRI card
is a separate bay, the PRI card is not included in the count for the four high power cards.
The FIM II can sit on a PRI card, BCC III, a Control Triple CIM card, or a Peripheral Interface
Module Carrier card. A FIM II on a PRI card in a main control cabinet can link a peripheral
cabinet to the main control cabinet. A FIM II on a PRI card in a peripheral cabinet links the PRI
card bay to the main control cabinet. A FIM II is only installed on the BCC III in a peripheral
cabinet; the FIM II in the BCC III connects the peripheral cabinet to the FIM or FIM II in the
main control cabinet. A FIM II on a Control Triple CIM card links the main control cabinet to a
peripheral cabinet. A FIM II on a Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card connects the
peripheral cabinet to the main control cabinet when the peripheral cabinet does not have a
BCC III to hold a FIM II. The FIM II provides fiber connectivity to the system and sits recessed
back from the faceplate. The FIM II comes in three variants. The FIM II at each end of the
connection must be the same variant.
T1/E1 Module
The T1/E1 module on site 2 of the PRI card provides up to two links of ISDN connectivity. The
T1/E1 module on site 2 of the BCC III provides up to two T1 links. The links from the module
have the same functionality as the T1 link that the T1 card provides. The SX-200 only uses the
T1 type connectivity.
CIM (Copper Interface Module)
The CIM provides copper connectivity between the peripheral cabinets and the main control
cabinet. The CIM is very cost effective for a system that is co-located. The CIM supports a
distance of up to 30 meters or 100 feet between cabinets. The CIM has a twisted pair interface.
The CIM sits on a Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card in a peripheral cabinet, on site 1 of
the BCC III in a peripheral cabinet, or on site 1 of a PRI card in a main control cabinet or a
peripheral cabinet. Unlike the FIM II, the CIM sits close to the faceplate and only has one variant.
DSP Module (Single)
The DSP module (single) provides 8 CLASS generators for ONS/CLASS sets and provides 16
conference bridges for Record-a-Call. The DSP module also provides 16 DTMF receivers thus
eliminating the need for a Universal Card. The DSP module sits on site 3 of the BCC III.
Maintenance Module
The Maintenance module provides a serial port on the BCC III for BRI card maintenance when
the BCC III and the BRI card are in the main control cabinet. A mini-DIN (cable is included)
provides the connection to the PC. The Maintenance module sits on site 1 of the BCC III when
the main control cabinet has a BRI card.