50003510 Revision A 55
Mitel Express Messenger Card
The Mitel Express Messenger card is a low-power card. The card uses a DNIC interface that
connects directly to the backplane of the cabinet.The card provides either two, four, six, or eight
voice mail ports to an SX-200 EL/ML system that has Release 1.1 software or later.
BRI Card
The BRI card is a low power card, although there is a maximum limit of two cards per cabinet.
The card allows the SX-200 to communicate to Central Offices and devices that support BRI
(Basic Rate Interface). The SX-200 supports the termination and the origination of ISDN voice
and data calls for trunk side and line side U interfaces. The trunk side provides Basic Call and
Incoming Calling Name. The line side provides data and voice calls from BRI devices, and
voice calls from sets. The BRI card provides up to 12 ISDN BRI U interfaces.
LS/CLASS Trunk Module
The LS/CLASS Trunk module mounts in any slot of the SX-200 SPINE and interfaces four trunk
circuits to the system. It includes circuitry to switch trunk circuit 1 to a SFT telephone set during
power or system failure.
DNIC Module
The Digital Network Interface Circuit (DNIC) module interfaces up to four DNIC devices to the
ONS Line Module
The ON-Premises (ONS) line module interfaces up to four industry-standard DTMF telephone
sets within the building to the SX-200 SPINE.
Digital Control and Digital Services Cards and Modules
T1 Trunk Card ! The T1 Trunk Card is a high power card that provides an interface to one
24-channel (D4 format) T1 trunk. In an SX-200 rack mount cabinet, T1 trunk cards plug into
slots 10 and 11 (slots 5 and 6 respectively must then be left vacant). Because of signal cable
restrictions in an SX-200 FD cabinet, the T1 card must be positioned in slot 6. With a dual T1
adapter, two T1 trunk cards (in slots 5 and 6) are allowed.
Main Control Card
The Main Control Card (MCC) and its integral Switch Matrix perform all call processing for the
entire system. The Switch Matrix is integrated into the Main Control card and includes a DX
(digital crosspoint) switch. The DX array is a non-blocking array that provides bi-directional
links with balanced drivers and receivers.
The main control cards are MCC IIIEL, MCC IIIELx, MCC IIIML, and MCC II. The MCC IIIELx
is only available with a Stratum 3 clock. The other main control cards are available with either
a Stratum 4 or a Stratum 3 clock.