Chapter 3 • Upgrading MGW 2400
Upgrading MGW 2400
Upgrades will be made available for MGW 2400. The required
upgrade files are provided in zip archives available on a CD or
at Optibase's FTP site for download. Instructions for down-
loading files from Optibase's FTP site, required passwords and
information on the relevant upgrades are provided with upgrade
release notes. Details of the currently active version appear
under Current Version. The Version Management window
also indicates available disk space on drive C of MGW 2400's
Figure 28: Software Manager
To view the current software version:
• On the MGW 2400 EMS toolbar, click SW Version
; the Version Management window appears and
displays the currently active software version's details.
Before you upgrade:
1. During the upgrade, MGW 2400's configuration returns to
the state of purchase. We advise you to make a note of the
channel profile, the network parameters and the hostname.
2. Verify that the network cables and power cords are
properly connected. Loss of power or network connection