Chapter 3 • Editing Channel Parameters
Parameters Settings Comments
NSC File Name If you write the file to a SCSI disk
connected to MGW 2400, enter the
full path and file name with the file
name's extension NSC, for example
<SCSI drive>:\<Folder
If you write the file to a shared folder,
enter only the relevant PC's name
and the shared folder, for example:
If you enter the entire path, you
receive an error message.
The NSC file contains
information the player
needs in order to
know how to receive
multicast packets and
decode the multicast
You may write the
NSC file to a shared
drive on SCSI disk
connected to MGW
2400, or a network
drive or web server
that belongs to MGW
2400's workgroup and
If saved on a web
server, the NSC file
resides in a folder
called wwwroot.
User Name User name to access the network
drive to which you write the NSC file,
if required.
Password Password to access the network
drive to which you write the NSC file,
if required.
Table 31: WMS Multicast Target Parameters
We recommend writing NSC files to shared network drives and not to SCSI