Appendix D • Glossary of Terms
a checkbox for AUTO SET UDP BLOCK SIZE. Leave this box
checked unless there are many buffer overrun errors on the
transmitter. If this is the case, deselect this option and increase
the number displayed by about 10%. MPEG ComMotion PRO
does not provide any AUTO SET for the UDP Block size. The
size must be computed according to the following equation:
UdpBlockSize =(OutputBitRate/(8×35))×1.09
Unbalanced Audio – An analog signal consisting of a single
voltage relative to ground or common.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – A string that gives the
location of information. The string begins with a protocol type
(e.g. FTP) followed by the identification of specific information
(e.g. the domain name of a server and the path name to a file on
that server).
VBI (Vertical Blanking Interval) – Part of the television
signal that does not contain picture information and is not
visible on TV screens without a special decoder. VBI is used to
accommodate data such as closed captions.
VLAN - A virtual (or logical) LAN is a local area network with
a definition that maps workstations on some other basis than
geographic location (for example, by department, type of user,
or primary application). The virtual LAN controller can change
or add workstations and manage loadbalancing and bandwidth
allocation more easily than with a physical picture of the LAN.
Network management software keeps track of relating the
virtual picture of the local area network with the actual physical
picture. VLANs are being used with campus environment
VTR/VCR – Video Tape Recorder or Video Cassette Recorder,
a frame accurate recording and playback tape deck, usually of
professional capabilities.
WAV file – Refers to a sound file format for the PC being
widely used.
WINS – Refers to Windows Internet Naming Service and is
part of Microsoft Windows NT and 2000 Servers. It manages