Programming Reference Alarm Settings
Revised April 2000 DBS-EX23-530 4-25
Alarm Relay Controls
Parameter Yellow Alarm Relay
Description Determines whether the system closes the alarm relay on the ISDN
MDF card in the event of yellow alarms.
The alarm relay can be connected to an external alarm device such
as a buzzer. The external alarm device must be purchased sepa-
rately; it is not provided with the DBS ISDN.
(The “Yel Alm Det” parameter on page 4-21 determines how many
yellow alarms occur before the relay closes.)
Programming Master cabinet: FF1 9# 4# 4# 4# 1# (0-1)#
Slave cabinet: FF1 9# 4# 5# 4# 1# (0-1)#
0=Off (Alarm relay does not close.)
1=On (Alarm relay closes.)
Parameter Red Alarm Relay
Description Determines whether the system closes the alarm relay on the ISDN
MDF card in the event of red alarms.
The alarm relay can be connected to an external alarm device such
as a buzzer. The external alarm device must be purchased sepa-
rately; it is not provided with the DBS ISDN.
A red alarm indicates a loss of frame (OOF) or loss of signal has
continued for over 2.5 seconds.
(The “Red Alm Det” parameter on page 4-21 determines how
many red alarms occur before the relay closes.)
Programming Master cabinet: FF1 9# 4# 4# 4# 2# (0-1)#
Slave cabinet: FF1 9# 4# 5# 4# 2# (0-1)#
0=Off (Alarm relay does not close.)
1=On (Alarm relay closes.)