Special ISDN Function Codes
Programming Reference
4-38 DBS-EX23-530 Revised April 2000
Parameter Forced Re-synchronization
Description Re-synchronizes the DBS ISDN with the public network.
1. Forced re-synchronization disconnects existing calls.
2. Before executing this code, you must first enter the program-
ming authorization code (#98 9999).
Execution Master: ON/OFF #94 6
Slave: ON/OFF #95 6
Options None. Re-synchronization begins as soon as the code is entered.
Parameter Historical Error Clearance
Description Clears the error counters for the following alarms:
• yellow
• red
• framing loss
• slip rate
• loss of signal
• sync loss
Before executing this code, you must first enter the pro-
gramming authorization code (#98 9999).
Execution Master: ON/OFF #94 7
Slave: ON/OFF #95 7
Options None. The counters are cleared as soon as the code is entered.
Parameter Alarm Relay Clear
Description Clears (opens) the alarm relay on the ISDN MDF card.
Before executing this code, you must first enter the pro-
gramming authorization code (#98 9999).
Execution Master: ON/OFF #94 8
Slave: ON/OFF #95 8
Options None. The relay is cleared as soon as the code is entered.