
Programming Reference FF Key Settings
Revised April 2000 DBS-EX23-530 4-35
FF Key Settings
Parameter FF Alarm keys
Description This command dedicates FF keys for ISDN alarms. The FF key lights
when alarm occurrences exceed a specified number within a 24-hour
The alarm keys can be assigned to any key telephone. However, the keys
will only work on a non-attendant phone that has the programming
authorization code (#98 9999) activated. With attendant phones, the keys
work whether or not the programming authorization code is activated.
If you’re assigning an FF alarm to an FF key that is currently pro-
grammed, you must first clear the FF key before making a new assign-
Alarms from ISDN in the master cabinet:
ON/OFF PROG FFkey (101-107)# HOLD
Alarms from ISDN in the slave cabinet:
ON/OFF PROG FFkey (121-127)# HOLD
Options Keys can be assigned for the following alarms:
• Red alarms
• Yellow alarms
• Sync loss
• Signal loss
• Frame loss
• Slips
The following table shows alarm key addresses. The addresses differ
depending on whether alarms are generated from the master or slave cab-
Alarm Master ISDN Slave ISDN
Red 103# 123#
Yellow 107# 127#
Sync loss 105# 125#
Signal loss 104# 124#
Frame loss 101# 121#
Slips 102# 122#