
Before you call an engineer
If you have any problems using this video recorder, you may
find the information below helpful. Or you can call the
customer service centre in your country. You will find the
phone number in the enclosed guarantee leaflet.
If your video recorder does not respond to any button being
pressed, this may be because:
there is no powersupply;
a programmedrecording is currently being made;
the child lockis switched on; or
there is a technicalproblem. In this case, switch off the mains
power supply for 30 seconds,then switch it on again. If this does
not have any effect, you can:
Switch off the power supply again.Then switch it on whilst
holding down the
STANDBY m button on the video recorder until
the message disappears fromthe display. All the information
stored will be cleared.
If the cassette is jammed in the video recorder:
don’t use force but pullout the mains plug for a moment.
If the remote control does not work, this may be because:
it is not pointedtoward the video recorder;
the batteries haverun out; or
you have giventhe wrong remote control command. In this case,
read the paragraph ’Switching the remotecontrol command’ in
chapter 5.
If there is no picture when you play a cassette, this may be
there is no recordingon the cassette;
you have chosen the wrongchannel on the TV for playing videos;
the cable connecting the TV and the videorecorder has come
If there is poor picture quality when you play a cassette, this
may be because:
your TV set isnot properly adjusted;
the cassette isbadly worn or of poor quality; or
the tracking isnot properly adjusted or the video heads are dirty.
In this case, turn to chapter 2 and read ’Selectingthe picture
setting’ or ’Picture interference’.
If your video recorder will not record, this may be because:
the TV channel you want to recordfrom is not stored;
you have selectedthe wrong programme number; or
you have loaded a cassettewhich cannot be recorded on.
If your programmed recording does not work, this may be
you have not set the TIMERproperly;
you have programmedthe wrong time or date;
you have loaded a cassettethat cannot be recorded on; or
PDC or VPS isswitched on but the PDC or VPS time is wrong.
If there is picture or sound interference on TV reception:
turn to chapter 5 and readthe sections ’Eliminating picture
disturbance (’optimizing the modulator’)’and ’Switching off the
modulator’; and
have your aerialchecked.
Please write the serial number of your video recorder here:
Model-number or type: VR850/07
Serial number: ......
This product meets the requirementsof the Directive 73/23/EEC +
89/336/EEC + 93/68/EEC.
The Department of Trade and Industry runs a Radio
Investigation Service to help TV licence holders improve
reception of BBC and ITC programmes which are being spoilt
by interference.
If your dealer cannot help, ask at a main post office for the
booklet ’How to improve television and radio reception’.
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9062/012 VR850/07