Chapter 16-IP Network Services
Polycom, Inc. 16-33
The Service Configuration dialog box opens.
All the flags must be manually added to this dialog box. For a detailed description of
the flags and how to add them, see "Manually Adding and Deleting System Flags” on
page 20-10.
5 Click the Routers tab.
6 Define the routers used in this network and that are other than the routers defined in
the Management Network. The field definitions of the Routers tab are the same as for
the Default Management Network.
7 Click the Gatekeeper tab.
8 Define the Primary and Alternate Gatekeepers and at least one Alias for this network
Service. The field definitions of the Gatekeeper tab are the same as for the Default IP
Network Service.
9 Optional. Click the Ports tab.
Settings in the Ports tab allow specific ports in the firewall to be allocated to multimedia
conference calls. If required, defined the ports to be used multimedia conference calls
handled by this Network Service. The field definitions of the Ports tab are the same as
for the Default IP Network Service.
10 If required, click the QoS tab.
The Collaboration Server’s implementation of QoS is defined per Network Service, not
per endpoint.
The field definitions of the QoS tab are the same as for the Default IP Network Service.
11 Click the SIP Servers tab.
12 Define the Primary and Alternate SIP Server for this network Service.
Flags defined per Network Service override their general definition in the System Configuration.
In Multiple Services mode, an Alias must be defined for the specified gatekeeper.
The routers must support QoS in order for IP packets to get higher priority.