Polycom RMX 1800 Administrator’s Guide
C-28 Polycom, Inc.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Participant Status The participant status, as follows:
0 - Idle
1 - Connected
2 - Disconnected
3 - Waiting for dial-in
4 - Connecting
5 - Disconnecting
6 - Partially connected. Party has completed H.221 capability exchange
7 - Deleted by a user
8 - Secondary. The participant could not connect the video channels and is
connected via audio only
10 - Connected with problem
11 - Redialing
Receive line rate Negotiated reception line rate
Transmit line rate Negotiated transmission line rate
Uplink Video
a.Number of uplink streams
b.Video stream (multiple streams)
i.Resolution width
ii.resolution height
iii.max frame rate
iv.max line rate
Audio Codec SAC, Other
Secondary Cause
Table C-31 Event Fields for Event 100 - USER TERMINATE CONFERENCE
Field Description
Terminated By The login name of the user who terminated the conference.
Table C-32 Event Fields for Events 102,103, 104 - USER DELETE PARTICIPANT, USER
Field Description
User Name The login name of the user who reconnected the participant to the
conference, or disconnected or deleted the participant from the conference.
Participant Name The name of the participant reconnected to the conference, or disconnected
or deleted from the conference.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Table C-30 Event Fields for Event 35 - SVC SIP PARTICIPANT CONNECTED (Continued)
Field Description