Chapter 19-Collaboration Server Administration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 19-37
Banner Display
Login Screen Banner
The Login screen banner can display any text, for example the terms and conditions for
system usage. The user must acknowledge that the information was read and click the
Accept button to proceed to the Login screen as shown in the following screen:
Main Screen Banner
The Main Screen banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen, as follows:
Software Management
The Software Management menu is used to backup and restore the Collaboration Server's
configuration files and to download MCU software.
Backup and Restore Guidelines
• System Backup can only be performed by an administrator.
•The System Backup procedure creates a single backup file that can be viewed or
modified only by developers.
•A System Backup file from one system can be restored on another system.
• To ensure file system consistency, do not perform any configuration changes as the
system does not suspended them during the backup procedure.
• The following parameters, settings and files are backed up:
— MCMS configuration files (/mcms/Cfg):
— Network and service configurations,
— Rooms,
— Profiles
— Reservations
— System Flags
— Resource Allocation
— IVR messages, music
— Collaboration Server Web Client user setting - fonts, windows
— Collaboration Server Web Client global settings – notes, address book, language
— Private keys and certificates (TLS)
— Conference participant settings
— Operation DB (administrator list)
— SNMP settings
— Time configuration