Index 117
theory and function 54
Interface card
driver installation 103
High Speed PCI 104
PCI(Timer) 104
Interface Control module 17, 22
Interline CCD
camera 85
sensors 86
smearing 89
Internal Sync operation 47
Internal Synchronization 71
Interrupt conflicts 105
ISA serial interface card 109
I/O address, DMA channel, and interrupt
level 109
installation 109
Kinetics mode 49
option 49
timing modes 50
Lens Coupled Intensifier (LCI) 54
Line voltage
selection 13
selector drum 13
Line voltage selection (ST-133)
procedure 80
LN camera operation
Cautions and Warnings 38
coolant 38
cooling of 38
Logic-device families 68
MCP 54
MCP-100 21
Mechanical shuttering 88
Memory allocation 30, 34
Mercury spectrum, fluorescent lights 36
Microchannel Plate (MCP) 54
arc lamp EMF spike damage warning 28
Xenon or Hg lamp EMF spike 28
installation 84
removal 83
Non-Overlapped operating mode 85
example 90
NOT READY connector 21
signal 64
timing 54, 89
Operating modes 68
Operating procedure 71
Operation of the PTG module 70
Optical-fiber adapter and cable 32
Outgassing 39
Outline drawing 82
Overlapped operating mode 85
example 89
external sync 86
Freerun 86
readout 86
Passive back-plane 17
PCI card driver installation 105
PCI installation and operation
diagnostics software 107
non-conforming peripheral cards 107
PCI serial interface card
driver installation 103, 105
installation 104
Peltier type cooler 38
PG-200 Inhibit input 21
PI-MAX camera
cabling to PTG 12
cooling 38
experiment types 72
first light refer to the PI-MAX manual
gate functions 71
pulsed operation 67
shutter setting 16
Timing Gen connector 23
timing generators 12
Plug-in modules 17
Plug-in modules, installation and removal 83
Power cord 13
Power input module 17, 24
Power switch and indicator 15
Pre Trig In 23
Preopen Shutter mode 45
familiarization and checkout 29, 33
First images 29, 33
line voltage selection and line fuse 80
plug-in module installation/removal 84
Programmable interface (PTG) 23
Aux Trig Out 24
Auxiliary Trigger output 68
connector 75
description 67
Ext Trig In 23
External Trigger 69
handshakes 70
Programmable interface (PTG) (cont.)
Internal Sync operation 47