34 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
-5°C, unless it is a model having forced air cooling, in which case temperature lock
down to -40°C (-90°C for the XTE) can be achieved.
4. Turn on the controller power.
1. A camera overload alarm may sound briefly and then stop. This is normal and is
not a cause for concern. However, if the alarm sounds continuously, even with no
light entering the camera, something is wrong. Turn off the power and contact
the factory for guidance.
2. With USB 2.0, the controller must be turned on before WinView/32 or
WinSpec/32 is opened and WinView/32 or WinSpec/32 must be closed before
the controller is turned off.
5. Turn on the computer power.
6. Start the application software.
Note: If using software other than WinSpec/32, these instructions will have to be
appropriately adapted.
7. Start the coolant flow or fill the LN Dewar.
Setting the Parameters
Note: The following procedure is based on WinSpec/32: you will need to modify it if
you are using a different application. Basic familiarity with the WinSpec/32 software is
assumed. If this is not the case, you may want to review the software manual or have it
available while performing this procedure.
Set the software parameters as follows:
Environment dialog (Setup|Environment): Verify that the DMA Buffer size is
8 Mbytes (min.). Large arrays may require a larger buffer size. If you change the
buffer size, you will have to reboot the computer for this memory allocation to
be activated, and then restart WinSpec.
Controller|Camera tab page (Setup|Hardware): Controller and Detector
parameters should be set automatically to the proper values for your system.
However, you can click on the
Load Defaults From Controller
button on this
tab page to load the default settings.
• Use PVCAM: If you are using the USB 2.0 interface, verify that the box is
• Controller type: ST-133
• Controller type: ST-133
• Controller version: 3 or higher
• Camera type: Select the array installed in your detector.
• Shutter type: None or Remote.
• Readout mode: Full frame.