Appendix B PTG Module 71
Internal Synchronization
It is necessary to initiate a readout after each exposure. In a system having a PTG, this is
accomplished automatically by operating the PTG in the Internal Sync mode. This mode
is established by making the following Experiment Setup selections:
1. Experiment Setup Main tab page: Set the Exposure Time to 0.
2. Experiment Setup Timing tab page: Select Internal Sync Timing Mode, deselect
the Continuous Cleans check box, select Disabled Opened for the Shutter
Control, and select the PreOpen check box.
It is not necessary to connect a signal to the ST-133’s Ext Sync BNC connector.
1. Internal Sync only appears as a selection if PTG has been selected as the active
timing generator via the Pulsers dialog box, which opens when Pulsers is selected on
the host software Setup menu.
2. Users also have the option of selecting either the Free Run or External Sync Timing
mode. In the Ext Sync mode, each readout is initiated by applying an appropriately
timed TTL edge to the ST-133’s Ext Sync BNC connector. You can select either the
positive-going or negative-going edge via the Trigger Edge parameter, which is also
located on the Experiment Setup Timing tab page of the host software.
Both WinView/32 and WinSpec/32 support the PTG. In both programs, pulser support
must be selected when the software is installed, as discussed in the Installation chapter of
the software manual.
Basic PTG operation is reviewed in the following paragraphs. The individual dialog box
and tab page selections are discussed in detail in the PTG manual.
1. Following the intensifier precautions stated in the hardware manuals, turn on the
Controller (PTG installed). If the Controller isn’t turned on, the software won’t be
able to control the PTG.
2. Select the WinView/32 or WinSpec/32 icon.
Note: The gate functions of the PI-MAX
camera are controlled by the PTG. If the
system is equipped with a PI-MAX camera,
the Camera State dialog box (Figure 34) will
appear after the controller has been
turned on and the software is started.
Although the software always initially places
the PI-MAX in Safe mode, the user has the
option of restarting with the last settings or
reverting to the factory defaults, which are:
Figure 34. Camera State Dialog Box
Mode: Safe
Exposure Time: 10 ms
Intensifier Gain: precisely midrange (128 on arbitrary 1 to 256 Intensifier Gain