12 September 2004, ADIC
Post-Upgrade Tasks
After upgrading to RHEL, use this procedure to complete post-upgrade tasks.
1 Reconnect all disconnected internal disks.
2 Mount the SNMS 2.4.1 installation CD and install the SNMS software. Type:
3 Add SNMS environment settings to the shell. Type:
. /usr/adic/.profile
- or -
source /usr/adic/.cshrc
4 Verify that all tape drives, archives, and disks are visible. Type:
/usr/adic/TSM/util/fs_scsi -p
5 Compare the command output to the command output before RHEL was installed (Step 7
The device paths may be different, but the same disks, tape drives, and archives should be listed. If the
command output is not the same, correct it before going to the next step.
6 Determine the mounted backup media device path. Use the serial number recorded in Step 5
on page
11. Type:
/usr/adic/TSM/util/fs_scsi -f <serial_number>
7 Restore the information from the backup. Type:
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/tdlmRestore -f <device_path> -t <device_type>
8 Restore the SNFS configuration files. Type:
cd /usr/adic/DSM/config
9 Rename all configuration files with a prefix of .backup_ back to their original name.
For example:
mv .backup_snfs1.cfg snfs1.cfg
10 Add all StorNext FS entries back to /etc/fstab. Type:
cat /usr/adic/www/conf/cvfs_mount_points >> /etc/fstab
11 Upgrade the SNMS software. Type:
inst.StorNext -force -upgrade
This step converts the restored database to the format of the installed release.
12 Restart the SNMS software. Type:
/user/adic/bin/adic_control start SNFS
13 Verify that data exists in the StorNext FS file systems.
14 Verify that data can be stored and retrieved.