September 2004, ADIC 21
Linux StorNext FS is shipped as separate, installable versions for the
Uniprocessor (up) and Multiprocessor (smp) Linux kernel versions. You
need to select the correct kernel version of StorNext FS. Otherwise you will
encounter problems during installation and while running the product.
Use the uname -v command to determine the running version of Linux.
The version includes the string smp for multi-processor kernels.
•For up kernels, the StorNext FS RPM files for the server and client code
must have up in the RPM file name.
•For smp kernels, the StorNext FS RPM files for the server and client code
must have smp in the RPM file name.
The following are examples of Linux RPM file names for up and smp
• up:
• smp:
On many versions of Linux, the cron system runs a nightly script called
slocate.cron that is used to build a database used by the slocate
command. If StorNext file systems are mounted, they will be traversed by
this cron job which can have a dramatic impact on the performance of other
applications currently using these file systems. To prevent cron from
traversing StorNext file systems, two files need to be updated. Perform
these steps:
1 Modify the
updatedb command in the /etc/cron.daily/slocate.cron file to
/usr/bin/updatedb -f
"cvfs,nfs,smbfs,ncpfs,proc,devpts" -e
NOTE: "cvfs" has been added to the exclude list.
cvfs to the PRUNEFS definition in the /etc/updatedb.conf file.
For example:
PRUNEFS="cvfs devpts NFS nfs afs proc smbfs autofs
auto iso9660"
Operating System/
Component Affected