September 2004, ADIC 9
Upgrade Instructions
This section describes the following upgrades:
• Upgrading to SNMS 2.4.1
• Upgrading to StorNext FS 2.4.1
• Upgrading SNMS from Red Hat Linux 8.0 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 on
page 10
• Upgrading SNMS on IRIX
on page 13
Upgrading to SNMS 2.4.1
Use the following instructions to upgrade to SNMS 2.4.1.
1 Mount the SNMS 2.4.1 installation CD for the machine’s platform.
2 Upgrade the SNMS software. Type:
inst.Stornext -upgrade
If you have any questions or encounter problems upgrading SNMS, contact the ADIC Technical Assistance
Center (ATAC).
• In the USA: 800.827.3822
• Outside the USA (toll free): 00.800.9999.3822
• ATAC website: www.adic.com/techsup
Upgrading to StorNext FS 2.4.1
Use the following instructions to upgrade to StorNext FS 2.4.1.
1 Shut down StorNext FS.
•For UNIX, type: /etc/init.d/cvfs fullstop
•For Windows, click: Start > Programs > StorNext File System and select
Stop and Remove File System Services.
2 Back up the /usr/cvfs/config
3 Remove the old version of StorNext FS.
•For AIX, type:
installp -u <file_set>
where the <file_set> is the StorNext product to be removed.
For example:
•For IRIX, type:
versions remove cv_base cv_clnt cv_serv
• Before upgrading the StorNext software, ADIC recommends that you back up
all StorNext configuration files.
• After StorNext is upgraded, your StorNext license remains valid; there is no
need to request a new one as long as your system ID does not change.