Appendix A Uninstalling StorNext
Uninstalling StorNext on Unix and Linux
StorNext 3.5 Installation Guide 111
Uninstalling SNSM and
To uninstall StorNext File System and Storage Manager on an MDC
running Unix or Linux, run the installation script with the
-remove option.
To launch the script, use the correct StorNext installation CD for your
operating system.
1 Log on to the MDC as root.
2 Mount the StorNext installation CD and change to the CD root
3 List the installation directories on the CD. At the command prompt,
ls -l
4 Identify the correct installation directory for your operating system
and hardware platform, and then change to that directory.
For example, for Red Hat Linux 5 running on an x86 64-bit platform,
change to the
RedHat50AS_26x86_64 directory.
5 Do one of the following:
• To uninstall StorNext Storage Manager and File System, at the
command prompt, type:
./install.stornext -remove
• To uninstall StorNext File System, at the command prompt, type:
./install.snfs -remove
The installation script runs (figure 58).
Note: When you mount a CD in a Red Hat 5 system, CDs are
mounted by default with a noexec (non-executable) option
which prevents you from proceeding with the installation.
For Red Hat users only, before proceeding you must
remount the CD by typing mount -o remount, exec ...