Chapter 4 Configuring StorNext
Windows Configuration Utilities
StorNext 3.5 Installation Guide 79
Advanced Cache Options 4
The Data Buffer Cache keeps the file system data in memory on the local
computer to speed up performance for small I/O operations.
The Advanced Cache Options tab (figure 40) displays performance values
that control how many file system lookup names are kept in memory.
Hard Reconnect
When this box is checked, the file system
attempts to reconnect to the FSM forever. If
this option is not enabled, the file system
attempts to reconnect to the FSM for the
number of times specified at the Mount
Retransmit Limit field before failing the
The default value is off.
Token Hold Seconds
The QOS Token Hold Time parameter is
applicable only when using the StorNext
Quality of Service (QOS) feature for real-time
This parameter determines the number of
seconds a client stripe group holds on to a
non-realtime I/O token during periods of
inactivity. If no I/O is performed on a stripe
group within the specified number of
seconds, the token is released back to the FSM.
The default value is 60 seconds. The
parameter should be specified in five-second
increments; if the parameter is not a multiple
of five, it will be rounded up automatically.
Caution: Changing the values on the Advanced Cache Options tab
can affect system performance and stability. Do not change
cache parameters unless instructed to do so by the
Quantum Technical Assistance Center.
Field / Button Description