Chapter 1 Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Pre-Installation Script
StorNext 3.5 Installation Guide 8
Pre-Installation Script
The StorNext pre-installation script (snPreInstall) is included on the
StorNext installation CD. When you run
snPreInstall, you are prompted
for information about your system. The pre-installation script uses this
information to estimate the amount of local disk space required for SNFS
and SNSM support directories. In addition, the script recommends the
optimal locations for support directories.
StorNext uses five directories to store application support information.
These directories are stored locally on the metadata controller, except for
Backup directory, which is stored on the managed file system.
The StorNext support directories are described in Table 4.
Table 4 StorNext Support
Before You Begin 1
Before running the pre-installation script, be prepared to answer the
following questions:
• Is this an upgrade installation?
• What local file systems can be used to store support information?
• Which version of StorNext will be installed?
Support Directory Description
Records information about where and how
data files are stored.
Records changes made to the database.
Contains index information that enables quick
searches on the file system.
Stores metadata dumps (backups of file
Contains configuration files and support data
required for disaster recovery.