Chapter 3. Creating Your Own Sounds
Chapter 3
Polarity (Pedal Polarity)
This parameter switches the polarity of the pedals. On some
pedals, the electrical signal output by the pedal when it is
pressed or released is the opposite of other pedals. If your
pedal has an effect opposite of what you expect, set this
parameter to
. If you are using a Roland pedal (that
has no polarity switch), set this parameter to
(C1/C2/C3/C4 Slider Assign)
These parameters set the functions controlled by the C1–C4
Assign (C1/C2/C3/C4 Slider Assign)
Select the function controlled by each slider.
Controller numbers 1–95 (except for 6, 32–63).
PITCH BEND: Pitch bend
AFTERTOUCH: Aftertouch
* Depending on the functions being controlled, the value may
remain unchanged when the slider is moved, even if the Patch or
Performance is switched.
Output (C1/C2/C3/C4 Slider Output)
Select the sound source(s) (the internal sound source and/or
external sound sources connected to MIDI OUT connector)
which will be controlled by the sliders.
OFF: Neither will be controlled.
INT: Only the internal sound source will be controlled.
MIDI: Only external sound sources will be controlled.
BOTH: Both the internal sound source and external sound
sources will be controlled.
SYS-CTRL ASSIGN (System Control Assign)
Control 1/2 (System Control Assign 1/2)
These settings allow you to choose two controllers for
common use when controlling the parameters of a Patch or
Performance. The settings in each Patch (or Performance)
will determine whether the two controllers you choose here
will actually be used. You will also need to specify for each
Patch (or Performance) the parameters that will be
Controller numbers 1–95 (except for 6, 32–63).
PITCH BEND: Pitch bend
AFTERTOUCH: Aftertouch
* To use the selected controllers, you need to make System
settings and Patch/Performance settings so that the MIDI
messages transmitted by the selected controllers will be received.
* For many control change messages, the function performed by
each number is defined in the MIDI specification. These settings
allow you to use control change messages without regard to
their officially defined function, so please be aware of what you
are doing.
Select the type of MIDI message that will be used to control
each of the following functions.
Hold (Hold Control Source)
Select the type of pedal message that will be used to hold the
current parameter values.
OFF: not used
HOLD1: Hold 1 (controller number 64)
SOST: Sostenuto (controller number 66)
SOFT: Soft pedal (controller number 67)
HOLD2: Hold 2 (controller number 69)
Peak (Peak Control Source)
Select the type of pedal message that will used to hold the
highest received parameter values.
OFF: not used
HOLD1: Hold 1 (controller number 64)
SOST: Sostenuto (controller number 66)
SOFT: Soft pedal (controller number 67)
HOLD2: Hold 2 (controller number 69)
Volume (Volume Control Source)
Specify whether or not Expression messages (controller
number 11) will affect the volume of a Patch or Part as well
as Volume messages (controller number 7).
VOLUME: Only Volume messages and not Expression
messages will affect the volume.
VOL&EXP: Both Volume messages and Expression
messages will affect the volume.
Aftertouch (Aftertouch Control Source)
Specify the type(s) of aftertouch message that will affect the
internal sound source.
CHANNEL: Channel pressure
(the aftertouch that applies equally to all keys)
POLY: Polyphonic key pressure (the aftertouch that
applies independently to each key)
CH&POLY: Channel pressure and Polyphonic key pressure
* The XP-30’s keyboard is not able to transmit Polyphonic Key
Pressure messages.