Chapter 4 Creating Patches
Settings Common to the
Entire Patch
Setting Procedure:
1. Select the Patch you’re going to use.
2. Press [F1 (COMMON)].
3. Use [F1]–[F5] to select the page containing the parameter
you wish to set.
* When the setting pages are displayed, you can press TONE
SWITCH [1]–[4] to turn each Tone on/off.
4. Use [ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ] to move the cursor to the
parameter you want to set.
5. Either turn the VALUE dial, or press [INC]/[DEC] to
select the desired value.
* If you’ve made a mistake, simply press [UNDO]. The value of
the parameter will be restored to what it was when you first
positioned the cursor there.
6. Press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH PLAY page.
A “*” symbol will appear at the left of the Patch name,
indicating that the settings have been modified.
* If you turn off the power or select another Patch while the “*”
symbol is displayed, your new Patch settings will be lost. If
you wish to preserve them, save the modified Patch using the
Write operation.(p. 194)
Common (Patch Common)
PATCH Common General #1 page
([PATCH] - [F1 (General)])
name (Patch Name)
You can give a Patch a name using up to 12 characters.
Press [ ] or [ ] to move the cursor, and then create the
name by turning the VALUE dial or pressing the [INC] or
[DEC] buttons to select the desired characters.
Available characters/symbols:
space, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^
_ ` { | } → ←
* Pressing the VALUE dial displays the Patch Name window,
in which you can use the following functions.
[F2 (←Prev)]: Move back one character.
[F3 (Next→)]: Move forward one character.
[F4 (Insert)]: Insert a blank space at the cursor position.
[F5 (Delete)]: Delete the character at the cursor position.
[F6 (OK)]: Confirm the selected name.
Category (Patch Category)
Specifies the type (category) of the Patch.
The Patch Finder uses this setting. It also determines the
phrase that will be heard when you audition the Patch using
the Phrase Preview feature.
For details on the possible category names, refer to p. 19.
Patch Type
Sets the Patch type (Four-Tone Patch, or Multi-partial Patch).
Level (Patch Level)
Range: 0–127
Sets the volume of the Patch.
* The volume of each Tone/Partial is set by the Tone Level
(TVA; p. 143) or the Partial Level (TVA; p. 155) .
Pan (Patch Pan)
Range: L64–0–63R
Sets the stereo position of the Patch. L64 is far left, 0 is center,
and 63R is far right.
* The pan of each Tone/Partial is set by the Tone Pan (TVA; p.
143) or the Partial Pan (TVA; p. 155).
* While each Tone/Partial in a Patch has its own Pan position,
the Patch pan setting shifts the entire Patch – including all of
its Tones/Partials – leftward or rightward.
Output Assign (Patch Output Assign)
Specifies the output destination for the Patch.
MFX: The Patch is sent into the Multi-effects. Its output
destination is determined by the Multi-effects output
OUTPUT A–D: The Patch is sent to the selected pair of
OUTPUT A–D jacks. (Stereo output)