Chapter 2 Using the XV-5080 Effects
Level (Output Level)
Adjusts the output level.
This is an effect that simulates an amp.
Amp Simulator
Switch (Pre Amp Switch)
Turns the amp switch on/off.
Type (Pre Amp Type)
Selects the type of guitar amp.
Amp Level
Volume (Pre Amp Volume) #
Adjusts the volume and the amount of distortion of the amp.
Master (Pre Amp Master Volume) #
Adjusts the volume of the entire pre-amp.
Gain (Pre Amp Gain)
Selects the degree of pre-amp distortion between three levels
of Low, Middle and High.
Amp Tone
Presence (Pre Amp Presence)
Adjusts the tone for the ultra high frequency range.
Normally the range will be 0–127, but when “Match Drive” is
selected for the Pre-amp Type parameter, the range will be -
Bright (Pre Amp Brightness)
Turning this “On” will produce a sharper and brighter
sound. This parameter can be set if the Pre-amp Type is set to
“JC-120,” “Clean Twin,” or “BG Lead.”
Bass (Pre Amp Bass)
Sets the bass sound quality.
Middle (Pre Amp Middle)
Adjusts the tone of the mid range. If “MAtch Drive” is
selected for the Pre-amp type parameter, this parameter
cannot be set.
Treble (Pre Amp Treble)
Sets the treble sound quality.
Switch (Speaker Switch)
Determines whether the signal passes through the speaker
(ON), or not (OFF).
Speaker Type
Selects the type of speaker. The specifications of each type
are as follows. The “Speaker” column lists the diameter of
the speakers (in inches) along with the number of speakers
there are.
Type Cabinet Speaker Microphone
Small 1 Small open-back enclosure 10 dynamic
Small 2 Small open-back enclosure 10 dynamic
Middle open back enclosure 12 x 1 dynamic
JC-120 open back enclosure 12 x 2 dynamic
Built In 1 open back enclosure 12 x 2 dynamic
Built In 2 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
Built In 3 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
Built In 4 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
Built In 5 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BG Stack 1 sealed enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BG Stack 2 large sealed enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
MS Stack 1 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser
MS Stack 2 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser
Metal Stack large double stack 12 x 4 condenser
2 Stack large double stack 12 x 4 condenser
3 Stack large triple stack 12 x 4 condenser
Specifies the location of the mic that is recording the sound of
the speaker. This can be adjusted in three steps, with the mic
becoming more distant in the order of 1, 2, and 3.
Level (Mic Level)
Adjusts the volume of the microphone.
Direct (Direct Level)
Specifies the volume of the direct sound.
Level (Output Level)
Adjusts the output level.
Pan (Output Pan) #
Specifies the stereo location of the output sound. L64 is far
left, 0 is center, and 63R is far right.
L in
R in
L out
R out
Pan R
Pan L
Pre Amp