Destination Group Drop-down List Box and Send Button
Selects one of the registered network player groups.
You can send playlists and the necessary materials simply by selecting a day on the
calendar and a destination group here, then clicking the Send button, provided the
materials and playlists are ready.
The drop-down list box is also linked with the Edit Playlist button. Selecting a group
then clicking the button enables you to proceed to operation of the selected network
player group.
Calendar Operations (Scheduling Application)
There is a calendar displayed on the main menu of the Scheduling Application, showing
status of playlist creation and transfer.
The background color of each date expresses the status of the playlists and related
materials for that day. The text color also has meaning. The color is changed by the
following operations:
Defining Non-Playout Days
It is helpful to see whether a certain day is a non-playout day or its playlist is not yet
ready, and therefore has to be created.
1 Right-click the date to be designated a non-playout day on the calendar of the main menu.
2 Click [Non-Playout Day] or [Non-Playout Holiday] on the menu.
A non-playout day appears in gray or brown. Its background color is white.
To return a non-playout day to a playout day, right-click the date, then click [Playout Day].
Click [Playout Holiday] in the same way to change a playout day to a non-playout day.
Note that the playout period specified for each playlist overrides the non-playout day
When the playout period of a playlist is from September 1, 2003 to September 30, 2003,
for example, it will be played everyday during the period, even if there is a non-playout
day set for September 15.
To keep a non-playout day, in such a case, create two identical playlists. Set the
playout period for one from September 1, 2003 to September 14, 2003, and September
16, 2003 to September 30, 2003 for the other.
Switching the Color of the Days of the Week
The dates of weekdays (from Mondays to Saturdays) appear in black, and those of
Sundays appear in red, by default.
The system allows you to change the color.
1 To change the color of a day of the week, right-click the desired day of the week.
To change the color of a specific date, right-click the date.
Specify the color of the day of the week first, then specify the color of the specific holidays.
2 Click the desired item on the menu.
A workday appears in black or gray where a holiday appears in red or brown.